Our Engineering Manager provides you with a list of essential pre-use checks for safe crew transfer operations.
Pre-use checks are vital to the safety of your operations, always make sure you follow the guidelines and ask if you need assistance.
– Paul Onions, Engineering Manager
- Is the wire rope lifting assembly in good working order, without damage?
- Have you double checked that the wire rope lifting assembly is attached correctly? Make sure you check that the shackle and spelter socket safety bolts are fitted with split pins.
- Is the load plate engaged and secure including all bolts, nuts, pins, and tamper proof seals?
- Are the node plate safety bolts, nuts, split pins, and tamper proof seals all in position?
- Have you checked that the frames & buoyancy are fitted securely?
- Do all the seat harnesses work correctly and are the attachment points secure?
- Suspension system – Are the springs pre-compressed and operating properly? Are the sliding sleeves touching the stoppers at the top?
- Are all inspection and certification documents up to date and correct?
A competent person should check ALL key areas of your device before EVERY use.
Personnel transfer equipment is an integral part of your operational program and as such should always be included in the installation’s planned maintenance programme and regularly inspected and maintained in accordance with OEM recommendations.
Reflex Marine are here to help with further support, recommendations on I&M procedures, information on accessories and replacement parts.
If you have any questions, get in touch by emailing: operations@reflexmarine.com or calling (+44) 1872 32 11 55.