- Press release: Reflex Marine is the first company to officially participate in Shell’s Global Lifting Meeting, with the company’s Chief Executive Officer and Technical Director Philip Strong presenting at the exclusive safety-focused event.
The quarterly Global Lifting Meeting is an opportunity for Shell’s lifting and hoisting specialists from across the world in different lines of business to meet, share knowledge and learn from each other. Shell has been Reflex Marine’s client globally since 2001 employing their equipment in diverse regions and operations. Reflex Marine was invited to participate in the call as experts in access solutions and leaders in safety of personnel transfer for nearly 30 years. ‘The vision of Reflex Marine has always been set on finding ways to improve the existing market solutions to increase safety and efficiency of operations’, comments Philip Strong. ‘Every product we develop is innovative and draws on years of experience and listening to concerns and aspirations expressed by operators worldwide. We are proud to be able to share our knowledge and engage with industry experts. I’m confident that great new solutions will emerge from these conversations.’
During the meeting, Reflex Marine delivered a presentation on Improving lifting safety and efficiency through innovation, explaining the processes used to develop new solutions. These include identifying the risks and shortcomings of existing methods before exploring, developing and testing new approaches to advance efficiency and global safety standards. One focus area of the presentation was improving the safety of cargo operations by using soft contact features to manage impact energy in the dynamic offshore lifting environment. New solutions now being trialled in the field manage impact accelerations by applying knowledge from the development of safer personnel transfer solutions.