Dec 21, 2020

Press release: Reflex Marine lands another crew transfer basket deal with Shell for Sarawak, Malaysia

  • Press release: Reflex Marine announced another sale of its WAVE-4 crew transfer basket to Shell Malaysia Upstream increasing the total number of units in operation on the Sarawak project to 4. The supermajor’s fleet of WAVE-4 baskets shows their preference for this safe crew transfer option.

‘This year Shell Malaysia Upstream celebrates its 110th year of operation in Sarawak and Sabah. Reflex Marine has been proudly supporting Shell's offshore operations globally for the past 20 years and we are looking forward to our continued work together in the coming years’ says Reflex Marine’s Chief Operating Officer, Ms Sandra Antonovic.

The pioneers of Malaysia's exploration and production sector, Shell first set up land operations in Sarawak in 1910 and laid the foundations for an industry that would later help to fuel the growth of the nation. In 1960’s, Shell became the pioneer in Malaysia’s offshore oil exploration and production and offshore gas production in the 1980’s.

Shell’s projects in Malaysia (and worldwide) focus on innovation and efficiency, e.g. their first fully solar powered platform developments in Sarawak. Investment in a fleet of WAVE-4 carriers for safe crew transfer shows Shell’s commitment to sustainable, effective and safety-first solutions. Globally, Shell opted for Reflex Marine’s crew transfer carriers on over 20 projects, including the stellar Prelude FLNG in Australia or Bonga FPSO in Nigeria. Reflex Marine’s carriers have the best safety record of all crew transfer solutions in the world (including marine and aviation) and are praised for their safety parameters and wide operational window for both routine and contingency transfers.


picture: WAVE-4 in action