At the beginning of this year Reflex Marine was awarded with a grant of £72,134.34 from the Marine-i Challenge Fund, part of the ERDF's European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020 which partly has helped to fund the development of a new cargo concept conceived for the offshore wind industry: the Storm-Pro.

Storm-Pro is an innovative cargo container designed to address the main challenges of handling cargo in open water, particularly in the offshore wind energy industry. Storm-Pro is a very lightweight container that uses modern high strength composite materials and elastomeric elements that can safely disperse impact energy without damage to adjacent assets. It also offers a high-ratio payload that improves vessel transit speeds and fuel/power efficiency. The Marine-i grant was used to partially fund the design and construction of a working prototype for vital field testing.

Storm-Pro open water vessel to vessel transfer trials in Falmouth, UK
As a company that holds a track record in successfully delivering creative and new concepts to meet the marine industry challenges, this grant has enabled us to accelerate the development of the project. After some final design modifications and additional testing, we expect to launch the product onto the market in 2020.
We are now expanding the concepts to create a family of products with new features to meet diverse the needs of the offshore industry. As such any feedback from industry leaders would be welcome to help us understand and meet our clients requirements.
Storm-Pro continues the Reflex Marine theme of raising safety standards and providing value adding solutions for the offshore wind and other marine sectors.